Applications in Civil Engineering

The t-USE©-elements are used as surface-active systems in the form of shell or folded structures in both building construction and civil engineering. Designing in space using geometric stiffness is of particular importance in engineering applications.

The form-finding process in harmony with nature, ethics and aesthetics is part of the design work of the structural engineer.

Due to the dwindling resources worldwide, construction workers are increasingly called upon to develop resource-saving constructions (reduce), that means Constructions that enable the lowest possible material consumption (responsibility of engineer).

A second essential aspect of the construction is the possibility of dismantling (reuse), so that constructions can easily be dismantled again into the basic components and either reused in another location (replace) or fed into a circular economy (recycle) in the sense of “urban mining”.

High-quality prefabricated parts such as t-USE ©  meet the requirement for 4R-compatible constructions and are both a vision and a diction for future building with concrete.

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